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Hickory Construction/ North Wilkesboro Readiness Center Renovation
October 3, 2023
PROJECT: North Wilkesboro Readiness Center Renovation, 191 Armory Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
PRE-BID MTG.: North Wilkesboro Readiness Center Drill Hall – NC National Guard, 191 Armory Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Mtg. Date & Time: Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 10:30a.m., LOCAL TIME
***Addendum #2 dated 9/26/23 has been incorporated.***
BID INVITATION FOR: North Wilkesboro Readiness Center – NC National Guard
Bid Date & Time: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 2:00p.m., LOCAL TIME (Base Bid) and 3:00p.m., LOCAL TIME (Alternate Bids)
All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 3:00p.m. Local Time for the furnishing of labor, material & equipment on this date.
Bid Location: North Carolina Department of Public Safety / NC National Guard – Joint Force Headquarters Cafeteria, NC National Guard, 1636 Gold Star Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607 – Owner/Representative: North Carolina National Guard, Mr. Daniel Erickson, Project Manager, Tel. 984.664.6540
The work of project is defined by the Contract Documents and includes, but not limited to, the following scope: All labor, taxes, materials, equipment, services, permits, incidental and implied, to install a complete working system as designed. The project consists of the renovation (12,719sf) and addition (base bid 1,451sf, alternate 1,476sf) to the existing National Guard Readiness Center in North Wilkesboro, NC original drawings dated November 1952, renovation (4,422sf) and addition (428sf) to the Unit Training Bay (UTB) and construction (1,936sf) of the Unheated Storage Building (USB). The scope consists of building renovations, additions, new construction including new plumbing, mechanical, electrical, fire alarm, communications, and finishes throughout. The existing buildings are masonry load-bearing construction with steel and concrete framing/structure and deck. All hazardous materials such as asbestos and lead shall be removed as part of the scope. The scope also includes a complete reroof, window repair, resinous flooring, lay-in ceiling replacement, interior and exterior door replacement, and painting throughout. Electrical scope consists of complete electrical service replacement, generator, new LED light fixtures, fire alarm replacement, and network, wiring replacement. The building additions and new construction are primarily masonry load-bearing construction with brick veneer, steel roofing framing and deck. Site work for the project consists of parking lot expansion and paving for private and military vehicles, sidewalk replacement, new fencing, and new water, sewer, electrical, gas, and communications service to the building. The project includes all other work as shown, indicated, or reasonably implied on the drawings and/or specifications for a complete project.
Hickory Construction Company, Hickory, NC is seeking subcontractors for specific scope of work as described above.
Please find a link (drop box) below that will allow you access to contract drawings, specifications, and addendum(s) for your use.
Hickory Construction as the General Contractor is responsible for bidding the project. Please direct all questions to the contact person provided below.
Contact for Hickory Construction Company is: Mr. James Summers at estimating@hickory-construction.com
Phone: 828-381-4080