Mount Vernon Middle School – Interior Updates
February 10
There is no pre-qualification for this project.
Project: Mount Vernon Middle School Interior Updates
Bids Due – 2/10/2025 at 5pm
Project Description – The project consists of the renovation of the existing Mount Vernon Middle School in the existing seclusion rooms and multi-purpose room, with the installation of a new folding partition, modification of existing ceilings, new light fixtures, protective wall coverings, and selective demolition.
**Addendum to be issued Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Scopes of work needed include Cleaning, Demo, Drywall/Framing, ACT, Flooring, Painting, Specialties, HVAC, and Electrical.
Let us know if assistance is required for insurance and we offer quick pay agreements.
Construction documents for this project can be accessed through the below link.
Please submit bids and questions to [email protected]