SGS Contracting/ Albermarle Building – First Floor Upfit (REBID)
Project – Albermarle Building – First Floor Upfit Bids Due – 1/11/2023 by 5pm Project Description – Upfit of an existing space of roughly 1,100 square feet on the first…
ST Wooten/ NCDOT DB00549 – Strengthening, Resurfacing, Widening and Shoulder Reconstruction on Various Routes in Craven County
Craven County - DB00549 Strengthening, Resurfacing, Widening and Shoulder Reconstruction on Various Routes in Craven County. - , NC - Bids are due by January 11, 2023 02:00 PM The…
Charleston, SC/ Septima Clark Academy Re-Surfacing & Re-Striping
Scope of work includes but is not limited to, mill or remove pavement as shown and repave as shown on drawings. Install concrete dumpster pad and ADA ramp with detectable…
Business Resource Fair (WBCNC) | Quarterly 2023
5800 Faringdon Place (Lower Level) Raleigh NC 27609 5800 Faringdon Place, RaleighA One-Stop Shop For Your Business Needs! The WBCNC is bringing small business owners their desired resources to start or scale a business all in one place, at one time,…
WBC Richmond Client Orientation
OnlineDid you know the SBA partially funds a network of Women's Business Center to serve your business needs? The WBC Richmond offers business training and counseling to both aspiring and…