Cahoon and Kasten Architects/ Community Care Clinic – Dental Office
Sealed proposals will be received April 06, 2023 until 2:00PM in the office of Cahoon+Kasten Architects, 118 W. Wood Hill, Dr., Nags Head, NC and immediately thereafter publicly opened and…
Highland Paving/ NCDOT – SAMPSON COUNTY – DC00429 Resurfacing & Pavement Preservation
Please see the attached solicitation letter for the NCDOT DIVISION 3 LETTING on April 6, 2023 for SAMPSON COUNTY DC00429 We would very much appreciate your consideration of this project…
ST Wooten/ Gillette Athletic Complex – Tennis/Pickleball Facility
Gillette Tennis / Pickle Ball Facility Sealed BIDS for "Gillette Athletic Complex - Tennis/Pickleball Facility" including, but not limited to the following: * Building No. 1 : 24,750 sf open…
Rickborn Associates/ North Charleston Sewer District
North Charleston (SC) Sewer District - Limited Structural Repairs and Rehabilitation Sludge Thickener Building at the Felix C. Davis WWTP North Charleston Sewer District is seeking to perform Limited Structural…