Cumming Construction Management/ North Charleston, SC – West Ashley Pre-K Classroom Renovation & Restroom Addition
North Charleston, SC - West Ashley Pre-K Classroom Renovation & Restroom Addition Scope of work includes, but is not limited to: renovation of two existing classrooms and construction of new…
Rickborn Associates/ North Charleston Sewer District
North Charleston (SC) Sewer District - Limited Structural Repairs and Rehabilitation Sludge Thickener Building at the Felix C. Davis WWTP North Charleston Sewer District is seeking to perform Limited Structural…
City of Fayetteville/PWC Opportunities
Doing Business with PWC CURRENT BID OPPORTUNITIES Bids Bid: PWC2223033/ Re-advertisement Phase V Annexation Project XII Area 26 Cliffdale West Subdivision Volume I &…
Charleston County Aviation Authority/CHSA Taxiway Expansion
North Charleston, SC - CHS Taxiway Pavement Expansion (2023-CHS-226) The Charleston County Aviation Authority will receive sealed bids from well qualified, licensed providers for furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment…