Holden Building Co/ Invitation to Bid – UNCG Elevator Replacement Moore Strong Residence Hall
Holden Building Company would like to post an Invitation to Bid - UNCG Elevator Replacement Moore Strong Residence Hall - Bids due by 10 AM on 12/14/23 with you, if possible. Invitation to Bid.Ad
LeChase – SGS Contracting/ UNC Chapel Hill | Avery Residence Hall Renovation Virtual Outreach
LeChase | SGS is hosting an MWBE outreach and information session for all construction industry-related firms (majority and minority) that have an interest in providing goods and/or services for this project. UNC Avery_Informational Flyer_12052023_v2
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools/ RFQ – Fuel Station Replacement Project at Stafford Drive
Below are the following dates in the RFQ: Copies of the RFQ available on CMS website beginning Monday Nov 20, 2023. RFQ responses due no later than 1:00 pm on Friday December 15, 2023. Written requests for clarification no later than Thursday December 7, 2023. Clarification or revisions posted on CMS website no later than…
C.T. Wilson/ Durham County Sheriff’s Training Facility
CT Wilson Construction Company, Inc., in association with Rankin III Grading, LLC, CM at Risk for the Durham County Sheriff’s Training Facility project, is currently seeking to pre-qualify principal trade and specialty contractors for the Bid Packages listed below. Firms interested in the project are required to submit project-specific prequalification forms. The deadline for submission…
ST Wooten/ NCDOT DB00486 in Beaufort County, NC
S.T. Wooten Corporation is soliciting quotes for DB00486 in Beaufort County, NC. This project consists of multiple scopes of work including, but not limited to, surveying, seeding, mulching, concrete island paving, concrete curb and gutter, storm drain, grading, pavement markings, traffic control, erosion control, material hauling, and paving. We encourage all NCDOT pre-qualified subcontractors, as…
JR Lynch & Sons/ Winston-Salem – Activated Sludge Basins 3, 4, 5 and 6 Expansion Joint and Concrete Repairs at Archie Elledge Wastewater Treatment Plant
Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. An Equal Employment Opportunity Contractor, NC General Contractors # 7706 Will Consider All Quotes Regardless of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, or National Origin and is Soliciting Bids for M/WBE Participation. We would appreciate a quotation from your firm for any and all work and/or materials on the following project:…
Moffat Pipe/ Paramount Pump Station Improvements Project – Cary, NC
Moffat Pipe, Inc. will be bidding on the Paramount Pump Station Improvements Project for The Town of Cary. We encourage minority and women business enterprise contractors to participate in the process. Moffat Pipe, Inc. will consider the following options/actions if requested in the proposal: assistance in obtaining bonding or insurance; coordinate joint payment agreements;…
Buchanan & Sons/ NCDOT Contract ID C204887 located on US-19/129 from Georgia State Line to US-64 in Cherokee County, NC
Buchanan and Sons Inc is requesting quotes from DBE/MBE/WBE Contractors and Suppliers for the NCDOT Contract ID C204887 (WBS 47427.3.1; TIP No. R-5861) located on US-19/129 from Georgia State Line to US-64 in Cherokee County, NC. ALL QUOTATIONS WILL NOW BE OPENLY ACCEPTED UNTIL 12:00PM MONDAY, DECEMBER 18TH, 2023. PROJECT BIDS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19TH, 2023…
Buchanan & Sons/ NCDOT Contract ID C204823 located on US-276 (Russ Ave) from US-23/74 to US-23 BUS (Main St) in Waynesville (Haywood County), NC
Buchanan and Sons Inc is requesting quotes from DBE/MBE/WBE Contractors and Suppliers for the NCDOT Contract ID C204823 (WBS 50230.3.1; TIP No. U-5839) located on US-276 (Russ Ave) from US-23/74 to US-23 BUS (Main St) in Waynesville (Haywood County), NC. ALL QUOTATIONS WILL NOW BE OPENLY ACCEPTED UNTIL 12:00PM MONDAY, DECEMBER 18TH, 2023. PROJECT BIDS…
Buchanan & Sons/ NCDOT Contract ID C204684 located at Bridges #155 and 158 Over Richland Creek on US-23/74 and Bridge #168 over US-19 and US-23 on US-23/74 in Haywood County, NC
Buchanan and Sons Inc is requesting quotes from DBE/MBE/WBE Contractors and Suppliers for the NCDOT Contract ID C204684 (WBS 38332.3.1, 48030.3.3; Federal Aid No. BRNHP-0023(32), BRSTP-0019(49); TIP No. B-3186, B-5898) located at Bridges #155 and 158 Over Richland Creek on US-23/74 and Bridge #168 over US-19 and US-23 on US-23/74 in Haywood County, NC. ALL…
Highland Paving/ NCDOT – CUMBERLAND COUNTY – DF00461 Resurfacing, Milling & Pavement Markings & CUMBERLAND COUNTY – DF00462 Resurfacing, Milling & Pavement Markings
Re.: NCDOT DIVISION 6 LETTING Projects that Bids December 20, 2023 1. CUMBERLAND COUNTY – DF00461 Resurfacing, Milling & Pavement Markings 2. CUMBERLAND COUNTY – DF00462 Resurfacing, Milling & Pavement Markings Items to be considered for subcontract are as follows: All JOBS (DF00461 & DF00462) – HAULING, TRAFFIC CONTROL, MILLING, UTILITY ADJUSTMENTS, SIGNALS AND…