Rock Hill, SC/ Water Treatment Plant Alum Sludge Dewatering Facility

Rock Hill, SC - Water Treatment Plant Alum Sludge Dewatering Facility The work consists of furnishing all materials and equipment and performing all labor necessary to construct the Water Treatment Plant – Alum Sludge Dewatering Facility and other miscellaneous facility improvements and rehabilitation. For information regarding this project please contact: Trey Riley Wiedeman and Singleton…

Raleigh, NC/ MWBE Bid Opportunity: 1609, 1611, 1617 & 1619 New Bern Ave Demolition and Underground Storage Tank (UST), Pumps Removal and Closure

MWBE Bid Opportunity: 1609, 1611, 1617 & 1619 New Bern Ave Demolition and Underground Storage Tank (UST), Pumps Removal and Closure The Project consists generally of the following major items: The demolition of three commercial structures located at 1609, 1611 and 1617 New Bern Ave. Removal and closure of six (6) underground storage tanks (UST)…

IL Long Construction/ North Carolina State University, Wood Residence Hall – HVAC Replacement

Prequalification Advertisement I.L. Long Construction Co., Inc. has been selected as the Construction Manager @ Risk by North Carolina State University and is seeking to pre-qualify construction trade and specialty contractors to submit bids for furnishing labor, materials, equipment and tools for the North Carolina State University, Wood Residence Hall - HVAC Replacement 2541 Warren…

Moffat Pipe/ Sewer Line Replacement Project – NC State University

Moffat Pipe, Inc. will be bidding on the Sewer Line Replacement Project for NC State University.   We encourage minority and women business enterprise contractors to participate in the process.   Moffat Pipe, Inc. will consider the following options/actions if requested in the proposal: assistance in obtaining bonding or insurance; coordinate joint payment agreements; assist in…

Turner Murphy/ Pembroke WWTP Improvements- Phase 2

As a General Contractor, we invite you to submit your proposals for the following project: PROJECT:  Pembroke WWTP Improvements- Phase 2 BID DATE:  January 30, 2024 OWNER:  Town of Pembroke ENGINEER:  The Wooten Company Please submit pricing quotes by January 29, 2024. MBE Invitation - Pembroke Phase 2

Union County, NC/ 762 Pressure Zone HSPS and Water Transmission Main

Union County, NC - 762 Pressure Zone HSPS and Water Transmission Main (2024-049) The Project consists of a high service pump station at the Yadkin WTP and approximately 39,400 LF of water transmission main extending from the new pump station to the intersection of US Highway 74 and South Forest Hills School Road (SR-1754). All…

Ridgeland, SC/ Sludge Holding Pond Aerator Replacement

Ridgeland, SC - Sludge Holding Pond Aerator Replacement (1636.6.10) The Project includes the following Work: Replace existing dysfunctional floating aerators in the sludge holding pond at the Jimmy Mixson Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). This includes removal and disposal of the existing aerators, procurement and installation of new aerators and associated electrical components. For information regarding…

Raleigh, NC/ MWBE Bid Opportunity: East Civic Tower Project

MWBE Bid Opportunity: East Civic Tower Project The East Civic Tower project consists of a 360,000 SF, 17-story office and public service tower atop one level of below-grade service basement. The building is a structural concrete frame with a mix of precast, curtainwall, and punched openings on the exterior. There are exterior terraces on levels…

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools/ Alexander Graham Roof Replacement

Sealed proposals will be received until 1:00 p.m. on January 30, 2024, at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, 3301 Stafford Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208, for the Alexander Graham Middle School, Partial Roof Replacement Project, Charlotte, North Carolina, at which time and place bids will be opened and read. Bids are to be delivered to: Mr. Ray Brake, at…