ST Wooten/ 2023 City of Greenville Street Rehab & Preservation Project

2023 City of Greenville Street Rehab & Preservation Project The Street Rehabilitation work will consist of full & edge milling of approximately 62,605 square yards of existing asphalt pavement, placing approximately 9,038 tons of Asphalt Concrete Surface Course, Type S 9.5B, 990 tons of Asphalt Concrete Base repairs/patching, ADA improvements, curb and gutter repairs, and…

Enhance & Protect a Key Business Asset: Register Your Trademarks!

How many forms of intellectual property are important to your business success? Are you producing blogs? Did you spend time and money developing a logo or a slogan? Intellectual property can be a key business asset, yet trademarks are one of the most misunderstood areas of law. This webinar will orient you to the different…


Jimmy R Lynch and Sons/ Greensboro (Guilford County) – Mitchell WTP Conventional Treatment, Residuals, Drain Pump Station, and Daniel Clearwell Improvements

Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. An Equal Employment Opportunity Contractor, NC General Contractors # 7706 Will Consider All Quotes Regardless of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, or National Origin and is Soliciting Bids for M/WBE Participation. We would appreciate a quotation from your firm for any and all work and/or materials on the following project:…

Turner-Murphy Co/ SCADA Telemetry System and RTU Replacement – Union County NC

As a General Contractor, we invite you to submit your proposals for the following project- PROJECT:               SCADA Telemetry System and RTU Replacement   BID DATE:               12/01/2022 at 2 PM      OWNER:                   Union County ENGINEER:             HDR Engineering Inc. of the Carolinas We will be accepting Subcontractor Proposals on the following: Electrical, Fencing, SCADA, Portable…