CJS Conveyance/ Smithfield, NC – White Memorial Church Road Waterline Improvements

Smithfield, NC - White Memorial Church Road Waterline Improvements The work will be located along White Memorial Church Road from NC 210 to Jackson King Road and will consist of the construction of approximately; Base Bid 16,770 LF of 16-inch water main 250 LF bore and jack installations with steel casing beneath NCDOT roadway Open…

WK Dickson/ Tyrrell County, NC – Maintenance Excavation and Removal of Sediment from Canals

Tyrrell County, NC - Maintenance Excavation and Removal of Sediment from Canals (20190283.00.RA) The Project includes a Base Bid for maintenance for two canals with a combined length of approximately 4,530 LF in close proximity to Columbia, North Carolina. The work includes excavation (dredging), removal, transport, and off-site disposal of a total of approximately 6,660…


NORTH CAROLINA ZOOLOGICAL PARK SENORA DESERT EXHIBIT SCO ID #18-18399-01A Sealed proposals will be received by the NC Zoological Park in Asheboro, NC, in the MPR conference room in the W. David Stedman Education Center, (park in the North American parking lot) 4401 Zoo Parkway, Asheboro, NC., up to 2:00 pm on 04/13/2023. and immediately…

T.A. Loving/ White Memorial Church Road Waterline Improvements – Johnston County, NC

T. A. Loving Company (NC General Contractor License No. 325) is seeking certified DBE, MBE, and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the White Memorial Church Road Waterline Improvements project for Johnston County which bids April 13, 2023, at 2:00 PM. Plans and specifications for this project are available at the following locations:  TA Loving Company,…

Sanford Contractors/Johnston County White Memorial Church Rd

  March 27, 2023   To:         Minority Subcontractors and Suppliers   Re:         Johnston County White Memorial Church Road Waterline Improvements   Our firm is considering submitting a bid for the Johnston County White Memorial Church Road Waterline Improvements project that bids on April 13, 2023 at 2:00 P.M. We are particularly interested in receiving minority…

Wharton-Smith/ Contract 2.0 – Flocculation and Sedimentation Improvements – Cleveland County, NC

Wharton-Smith, Inc. Charlotte Water/Wastewater Estimating Department MWBE Invitation to Bid - M/WBE Solicitation Assistance Request - Contract 2.0 – Flocculation and Sedimentation Improvements for Cleveland County, North Carolina Wharton-Smith is a general contractor who is soliciting proposals from the State of North Carolinas HUB & DOT certified MBE and WBE subcontractors & suppliers for the…

NHM Constructors/ NCDOT C204726 Buncombe County

NHM Constructors, LLC is actively seeking vendors, suppliers and subcontractors who are certified DBE/MBE/WBE. We are preparing to bid the following project and would like to have your quotation for any items in your line of work.   Quotes needed by 10:00AM on Monday April 17, 2023   PROJECT:   NCDOT C204726 Buncombe County                         Tip:…

Pipeline Utilities/ Hamby Street Sewer Replacement – Clayton, NC

Pipeline Utilities, Inc. (NC General Contractor License No. 325) is seeking certified DBE, MBE, and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the Hamby Street Sewer Replacement project for the Town of Clayton which bids April 17, 2023, at 2:00 PM.  Plans and specifications for this project are available at the following locations:  Pipeline Utilities, Inc.; 2204-F…

Balfour Beatty/ Subcontractor Outreach Virtual Event

Balfour Beatty is currently bidding structural steel, mechanical and electrical bid packages to previous prequalified subcontractors for the:   CMS South Mecklenburg High School Classroom Addition   2nd & 3rd Tier Subcontractor Outreach Meeting Session:  Monday, April 17, 2023 2:30 – 3:00 pm Click here to join the meeting https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_M2U0YjdlODgtOTlmYS00MDVlLThhN2QtM2FhOTQ5MzAzZWY3%40thread.v2/0?co ntext=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2201f3a409-b48f-4f2c-b95b- 7ea1977a06ed%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2200b87c0d-8cd6-4be2-93f7-a9ad72f055b5%22%7d   Project…

Willis Engineers/ Lawndale, NC – Cleveland County Water – Flocculation and Sedimentation Improvements

Lawndale, NC - Cleveland County Water - Flocculation and Sedimentation Improvements The Project consists of renovations to the existing Water Treatment Plant includingconstructing three new rapid mixers and two new flocculators, renovating the existing sedimentation basins and flocculators, extending the chemical feed system, and installing approximately 115 linear feet of 24-inch raw water line including…

WK Dickson/ Conover, NC – NEWWTP Aeration System Upgrade

Conover, NC - NEWWTP Aeration System Upgrade (20180256.00.HI) NEWWTP Aeration System Improvements, including but not limited to: 1) Upgrade of the existing sequencing batch reactor (SBR) aeration system with work to be performed separately in a pair of basins while maintaining the remaining pair of basins in operation; 2) Upgrade of the existing Blower Building…