Raleigh, NC/ MWBE Bid Opportunity: Annual Street Resurfacing Project
MWBE Bid Opportunity: Annual Street Resurfacing Project The Project consists generally of the following major items: Resurfacing of approximately 10.56 centerline miles of city streets consisting of approximately 12,290 tons of Superpave Asphalt, 273 manhole adjustments and 248 water valve/test station box adjustments. Installation of approximately 182 sidewalk access ramps. Approximately 121,646 square yards of asphalt…
Raleigh, NC/ RFP: MMCPA HVAC Preventative and Corrective Maintenance Plan
RFP: MMCPA HVAC Preventative and Corrective Maintenance Plan The City of Raleigh (COR) is solicitating proposals from one or more firm(s) with which to contract for the following services: The Raleigh Convention and Performing Arts Complex (RCPAC) is accepting proposals to provide full-service Heating Ventilation and Cooling (HVAC) Preventative Service and Maintenance and Service for the…
T.A. Loving/ Waterline Replacement – Water Street, Edwards Street, and Riverview Street – Belhaven, NC
T. A. Loving Company (NC General Contractor License No. 325) is seeking certified DBE, MBE, and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the Waterline Replacement – Water Street, Edwards Street, and Riverview Street project for the Town of Belhaven which bids February 2, 2024, at 10:00 AM. Plans and specifications for this project are available at…
ST Wooten/ City of Raleigh Annual Street Resurfacing Project
City of Raleigh Annual Street Resurfacing Project Resurfacing of approximately 10.56 miles of streets within the City of Raleigh - Raleigh, NC 27601- Bids are due by February 2, 2024 10:00 AM The following work codes are applicable to this project: 000055 - Hauling (Asphalt) 001204 - Symbols Characters, Markers - Non Truck Long Lines…
Messer Construction/ UNC Bingham Hall Renovation
Invitation to Bid Messer Construction Co. is requesting proposals for labor and material on the following project: UNC Bingham Hall Renovation Due Date, Time, and Location for Bids: Subcontractor bids are due to Messer Construction on February 5th, at 2:00 PM. We are requesting bids by this time in order to: Ensure we receive them…
Moffat Pipe/ 2018 Wastewater System Improvements Project – Robersonville, NC
Moffat Pipe, Inc. will be bidding on the 2018 Wastewater System Improvements Project for The Town of Robersonville. We encourage minority and women business enterprise contractors to participate in the process. Moffat Pipe, Inc. will consider the following options/actions if requested in the proposal: assistance in obtaining bonding or insurance; coordinate joint payment agreements;…
Moffat Pipe/ 2022 Sewer Improvements Contract 4 – Whitakers, NC
Moffat Pipe, Inc. will be bidding on 2022 Sewer Improvements Contract 4 for The Town of Whitakers. We encourage minority and women business enterprise contractors to participate in the process. Moffat Pipe, Inc. will consider the following options/actions if requested in the proposal: assistance in obtaining bonding or insurance; coordinate joint payment agreements; assist…
Highland Paving/ NCDOT – CUMBERLAND COUNTY – DF00461 Grading, Resurfacing, Milling, Drainage & Pavement Markings- PRATT STREET
Please see the attached Solicitation letter concerning the upcoming NCDOT Division 6 Letting on February 7, 2024. We are bidding the 1DF00444 CUMBERLAND County project and would very much appreciate your quotation. We encourage you to seek out 2nd tier DBE participation to include with your quotation whenever possible. We also encourage you to contact…
Raleigh, NC/ RFQ: Raleigh Convention and Performing Arts Complex – Expansion and Relocation Construction Manager at Risk Services
RFQ: Raleigh Convention and Performing Arts Complex – Expansion and Relocation Construction Manager at Risk Services The City of Raleigh is soliciting Requests for Qualifications from Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) firms with expertise in the construction of hospitality industry or public assembly facilities. CMAR services include but are not limited to pre-construction and construction phase…
Gastonia, NC/ Employee Health Clinic Renovations
Gastonia, NC - Employee Health Clinic Renovations The City is renovating the vacant building at 151 Synder Place to accommodate the new Gastonia Employee Health Clinic. The new Health Clinic will include a reception area, multiple offices, a tech area, exam rooms, bathrooms, and storage space. The renovations will include the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing…
NC Dept. of Information Technology/ Emergency Roof Replacement for the Eastern Data Center Raleigh, North Carolina
Sealed proposals will be received until 2:00pm on February 6, 2024, in 3700 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27609 in the Dogwood Conference Room, for the construction of: Emergency Roof Replacement for the Eastern Data Center SCO #22-25159-01A at which time and place bids will be opened and read. Complete plans and specifications for this…