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AME Consulting Engineers/ REBID – Union County (NC) Jail Generator Replacement
January 10, 2023
REBID – Union County (NC) Jail Generator Replacement
Scope of Work: Replacement of the existing 180 kW, 480/277V generator with a County owned 600 kW, 480/277V generator. The existing associated gear is to be replaced. The existing generator is to be returned to the County.
The Work shall be completed in a single phase. The Work includes coordinating with the Sheriff’s Department for access, security, and shut-downs. Contractor shall minimize the time/duration needed for temporary power in coordination with the Sheriff’s Department. Contractor shall transport the replacement generator from Union county storage facility at 610 Patton Ave., Monroe, NC 28110 and deliver to the site and transport the old generator to the Patton Ave. Union County will contract separately to have the new generator reconditioned and ready for service prior to the work of this scope commencing.
Bid will be received for a single prime, lump sum Contract.
For information regarding this Invitation to Bid, contact as follow:
Sean Braunbeck
AME Consulting Engineers, PC
413 Dalton Avenue, Suite A, Charlotte, NC 28206
Phone: 704-295-4263
Email: Sbraunbeck@ame-pc.com
Vicky Watts, CLGPO
Senior Procurement Specialist
Union County Government Procurement Department
500 North Main Street, Suite 709, Monroe, NC 28112
Phone: 704-283-3601
Email: Vicky.Watts@unioncountync.gov
Deadline for questions is 5:00 PM local time on November 18, 2023. Questions will be addressed via Addenda no later than 4 days prior to bid date.
Bids will be received for a single prime, lump sum Contract.
Bidders must have a license to do work as a contractor in the State of North Carolina, as set forth under Article 1 chapter 87 of the North Carolina General statutes. The bidder’s North Carolina Contractor license number shall be designated on the outside of the sealed envelope containing the Bid.
Bidders are required to provide a non-collusion affidavit, as set forth in the bidding documents.
As provided by statute, a deposit of cash, cashier’s check or certified check on some bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit insurance Company, or a bid bond executed by corporate surety licensed under the laws of North Carolina to execute such bonds in the amount of 5% of the bid must accompany each bid. The payee shall be “Union County”. Said deposit shall guarantee that the Agreement will be entered into by the successful bidder if award is made. Such deposit may be held by Union County until the successful bidder has executed and delivered all required Contract documents to Union County.
Bidders should note the provisions of the Supplementary instruction to bidders contained in the Bid Documents regarding minority participation. Union County encourages good faith effort outreach as described in the Union County MBE and Small business Outreach Plan. Compliance with Union County Minority and Small Business Guidelines and Outreach Plan goals apply. Bidders shall submit a completed identification of Minority Participation form and either an Affidavit A or Affidavit B, as applicable along with their Bid.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, including without limitation, nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced, or conditional Bids. Owner further reserve the right to reject the Bid and Bidder whom they find, after reasonable inquiry and evaluation, to not be responsible. Owner may also reject the Bid and Bidder if the Owner believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder. Owner also reserves the right to waive all informalities and technicalities not involving price, time, or changes in the Work and to negotiate, as allowed by law, contract terms with the Successful Bidder.
Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available.
A printed bid set is $80.00 plus applicable sales tax.
A printed bid set & USB Drive with PDF files for $105.00 plus applicable sales tax.
A set is also available for download in PDF for $60.00 plus applicable sales tax. Downloads do not include addenda, they are all available on the “Addenda” tab of this page. Once payment is secured, you will receive an email that your files are ready to be downloaded from your account.
To place an order click on “PLACE ORDER” at the upper right of this page.
Payment can be made by either:
1.Credit Card
2.Check made payable to Duncan-Parnell – mail check to: PO Box 35649, Charlotte, NC 28235 ATTENTION: MICHAELA. To expedite your order you can email copy of your check to michaela.bruinius@duncan-parnell.com. Printing will not begin until a copy of the check OR the check is received
3.Duncan-Parnell Account
Any print order placed on this site includes all plans and specifications, including any addenda released at the time of order. Planholders will be notified by email when future addenda are issued. It is the responsibility of each plan holder to download the addenda. Shipping, if required, will be charged to each order.
Online orders are filled within 1-2 business days after payment is secured.
All project notifications, including addenda, are sent via email from the mail domaine of “@dpibidroom.com“. This could be flagged as spam by your company network firewall. To prevent delay of project notifications, including addenda, have your company’s Information Technology Manager and “white list”the domain of dpibidroom.com to prevent emails from being captured.
Existing planholders will be notified by email upon the release of any addenda. Failure to order bid sets through Duncan-Parnell may prevent you from being notified of issued addenda. Printed copies of addendum will be available at no additional charge. Shipping, if required will be charged. Contact your local Duncan-Parnell office to request a printed set of addenda files. Click here to find the location nearest you.