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Elizabeth City, NC/ Replace Bridge On Rivershore Road Over Pasquotank River in Elizabeth City

February 20, 2024

T. A. Loving Company (NC General Contractor License No. 325) is seeking certified DBE subcontractors and suppliers for the following projects that bid for NCDOT:

Bid Date: 02/20/2024 at 2:00 PM

Project: Replace Bridge On Rivershore Road Over Pasquotank River in Elizabeth City

Plans and specifications are available for inspection at the following locations: TA Loving Company; AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc.; 5338 Wade Park Boulevard, Suite 200; Raleigh, NC 27607; ConstructConnect website; McGraw Hill Dodge Company website; Construction Journal website; NC Institute of Economic Development (a.k.a. The Institute).

Potential subcontracting opportunities include but are not limited to surveying, demolition, clearing and grubbing, hauling, asphalt paving, striping, traffic control, earthwork, erosion control, seeding, and linework.

Please contact Justin E. Hill at our office as soon as possible if you are interested in submitting a proposal on any portion(s) of this project. Quotes may be emailed to Justin E. Hill – jehill@taloving.com. All quotations will be accepted up to bid closing time of the bid date. Our address, phone number, and fax number is as follows.

T. A. Loving Company PO Box 919 Goldsboro, NC 27533 919-734-8400 (phone) 919-736-2148 (fax).

TA Loving Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer


February 20, 2024
Event Category: