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Hickory Construction/ Mitchell County Law Enforcement Center, 305 Bakers Lane, Bakersville, NC
August 29, 2023
PROJECT: Mitchell County Law Enforcement Center, 305 Bakers Lane, Bakersville, NC 28705
PRE-BID MTG.: Mitchell County Law Enforcement Center, 305 Bakers Lane, Bakersville, NC 28705
Mtg. Date & Time: Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 10:00a.m., LOCAL TIME
***There are two Addenda to date.***
BID INVITATION FOR: Mitchell County Law Enforcement Center
Bid Date & Time: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 3:00p.m., LOCAL TIME
All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of labor, material & equipment on this date.
Bid Location: Mitchell County (County Manager), 26 Crimson Laurel Way, Bakersville, NC 28705 – Owner/Representative: Mitchell County, Mr. Alan Cook, County Manager, Tel. 828.688.2139, Ext. 1394
The work of project is defined by the Contract Documents and includes, but not limited to, the following scope: All labor, taxes, materials, equipment, services, permits, incidental and implied, to install a complete working system as designed. The project generally consists of the renovation of an existing manufacturing plant into a New Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Center. The existing building is approximately 25,000 SF. Construction includes interior CMU and steel stud partitions, architectural casework, detention equipment, and finishes typically associated with this facility type. Site work includes fencing/gates and a freestanding custom entry canopy. Mechanical work includes ductwork, plumbing, sprinkler system, controls, and roof top units. Electrical work includes panelboards, lighting fixtures, fire alarm, emergency generator, power, technology wiring and infrastructure. The project includes all other work as shown, indicated or reasonably implied on the contract drawings and/or specifications for a complete project.
The featured scope of work per contract documents are as follows; Demolition, cast-in-place concrete, concrete floor finishes, CMU, structural steel framing, steel decking, metal fabrications, rough carpentry, glued-laminated construction, architectural woodwork and casework, thermal and moisture protection, steel doors and frames, flush wood doors, access doors and panels, aluminum-framed storefronts, security windows, door hardware, glazing, safety and security films, louvers, cold formed steel framing – non-structural, gypsum board, tiling, ACT, resilient flooring, including athletic, resilient base and accessories, fluid-applied flooring, tile carpeting, textile composite flooring, sound-absorbing wall and ceiling units, painting, visual display units, signage, plastic toilet compartments, wall and door protection, toilet and bath accessories, fire protection specialties, metal lockers, metal evidence lockers, detention equipment, custom/security hollow metal work, security glass and glazing, security hardware, window shades, fire suppression, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, communications, electronic safety and security, exterior improvements.
Hickory Construction Company, Hickory, NC is seeking subcontractors for specific scope of work as described above.
Please find a link (drop box) below that will allow you access to contract drawings, specifications, and addendum(s) for your use.
Hickory Construction as the General Contractor is responsible for bidding the project. Please direct all questions to the contact person provided below.
Contact for Hickory Construction Company is: Mr. James Summers at estimating@hickory-construction.com
Phone: 828-381-4080