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Terracon/ East Mecklenburg HS Roof Replacement
March 29, 2023
Please find attached the final Specifications and Drawings for the East Mecklenburg HS Roof Replacement project as advertised.
Any questions regarding this project details should be addressed to Mike Phifer of Terracon Consultants (mike.phifer@terracon.com).
You may contact me directly should you have any issues opening or reading the attached documents.
FH226304-East Meck HS School Roof Replacement Specifications-Final
FH226304 East Meck HS Roof Replacement Drawings- Final
Sealed proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m. on March 29, 2023 at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, 3301 Stafford Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208, for the East Mecklenburg High School, Partial Roof Replacement Project, Charlotte, North Carolina, at which time and place bids will be opened and read. Bids are to be delivered to: Ms. Yolanda Fergerson, at the above address and time.