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Town of Wallace / WWTP Flood Protection Project

December 23

Sealed Bids for the construction of the WWTP Flood Protection Project will be received by Town of Wallace , at the office of the Town Manager, 316 E Murray St, Wallace, NC 28466, until 2:00 PM local time on December 23, 2024 at which time the Bids received will be Publicly opened and read. The Project consists of constructing the following:
• Dike approximately 700 ft long and 2 to 6 ft high
• Flood wall approximately 100 ft long and 3 to 4 ft high
• Regrading of gravel road
• Drainage modification to prevent reverse flow during flood events
• Relocation of fence and installation of additional fence
• Lighting
Bids will be received for a single prime Contract. Bids shall be on a lump sum and unit price basis as indicated in the Bid Form.
The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is:
3804 Park Ave, Unit A
Wilmington, North Carolina 28403
Contact: Lizzy Wade
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 910-313-1516
Prospective Bidders may examine the Bidding Documents at the Issuing Office on Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, and may obtain copies of the Bidding Documents from the Issuing Office as described below.
Bidding Documents also may be examined as follows:
▪ At the office of the Town Manager, Town of Wallace, 316 E Murray St, Wallace, NC 2846, on
Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
▪ At the office of the Engineer, Highfill, 3804 Park Avenue, Unit A, Wilmington, NC 28403, on
Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

More Information Here: https://hiepc.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/HIGHFILLProjectBidInfo/EsEHqDUOYq9FlH5kY6AcSPYBSFTj1IsJ44CxgDRjAsTpog?e=I8HdeO


December 23
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