
The South Atlantic Region Small Business Transportation Resource Center (SBTRC) serves as a regional office for the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU).  SBTRC works closely with prime and subcontractors, as well as state and local transportation agencies within the South Atlantic Region.  The main focus of the SBTRC is assisting firms that are interested in doing business with the U.S. DOT directly, or with state and local agencies receiving U.S. DOT funding.

SBTRC supports small businesses in the District of Columbia and the four-state region of Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia to offer:

  • Capacity-building skills and training for small businesses.
  • Counseling and information on procurement opportunities.
  • Access to capital through the U.S. Department of Transportation's Short-Term Lending Program.
  • Assistance obtaining a surety bond.
  • Resource assistance to promote more women and girls in the transportation industry.

Women’s Business Centers

The Women’s Business Centers offer tools and support to women-owned and women–led business to assist in establishing businesses, stabilizing companies, generating sustainable profits, strategizing for future growth and contributing to the growth and economic development of the community.

Our small business experts can provide:

  • Customized, one-on-one business counseling.
  • Seminars and classes focused on key business topics, such as marketing, finance, certification and small business resources.
  • Review and feedback on written business plans.
  • Loan package preparation assistance and lender referrals.
  • Certification assistance and review.
  • Networking opportunities to find mutual support, access to resources and business referrals.

The Women's Business Center of Charlotte, the Women's Business Center of North Carolina, the Women's Business Center of Central Virginia, and the Women's Business Center of The Triad are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Contact WBC

The Women's Business Center of Charlotte

Goodwill Opportunity Campus
5301 Wilkinson Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28208
(704) 509-5884

Rocio Gonzalez

Executive Director, Women's Business Center of Charlotte

Sheila Obregon

Program Director, Women's Business Center of Charlotte

Naomi Aaron

Program Manager, Women's Business Center of Charlotte

The Women's Business Center of North Carolina

114 West Parrish Street
Durham, NC 27701
(919) 956-2334

Erica Vazquez

Executive Director, Women's Business Center of North Carolina

Phyllis Thornton

Business Counselor, Women's Business Center of North Carolina

The Women's Business Center of Central Virginia

Virginia Union University
1500 N. Lombardy Street
Richmond, VA 23220
(919) 225-8339

Nicole Parker

Executive Director, Women's Business Center of Central Virginia

The Women's Business Center of The Triad

Bennett College, Catchings Complex
900 E. Washington Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
(252) 377-4874

Lu-Ann Barry

Executive Director, Women's Business Center of The Triad


The Women's Business Center of Charlotte and the Women's Business Center of North Carolina are members of the Association of Women's Business Centers.

Minority-owned firms face unique challenges. In order to survive in today’s increasingly global marketplace, CEOs must lead their firms with innovative, clear strategies. In the absence of specialized executive training, few of these firms will be positioned for continual success in the marketplace. The Minority Executive Education Institute (MEEI®) delivers comprehensive and robust graduate-level business education designed to help minority business executives strengthen and grow their companies.  

MEEI® business education builds the capacity and extends the capabilities of minority firms through the following program features:

  • Extensive course content based on proven best practices and research
  • Leading business experts from university and corporate partners
  • Access to new business resources through networking and strategic partnerships

MEEI® programming utilizes the talents of graduate-level professors from universities across the state and leading business experts, creating a powerful learning experience that gives minority and women business owners concrete knowledge that can be used to grow revenue, enter into new markets, or launch new product ideas.

In the ever-changing business landscape, minority-owned firms must begin to aggressively develop a mindset for growth. MEEI® will help to position firms for explosive growth in the marketplace.