Women's Business Center of Charlotte

Let WBCC Help Grow Your Business

Women's Business Center of Charlotte.

The Institute's Women’s Business Center of Charlotte (WBCC) helps women-owned businesses start and grow.

We empower women by offering tools and support to establish businesses, stabilize their companies, generate sustainable profits, strategize for future growth and contribute to the growth and economic development of the community.

Our small business experts offer:

  • Customized, one-on-one business counseling.
  • Seminars and classes focused on key business topics, such as marketing, finance, certification and small business resources.
  • Review and feedback on written business plans.
  • Loan package preparation assistance and lender referrals.
  • Certification assistance and review.
  • Networking opportunities to find mutual support, access to resources and business referrals.

Connect with WBC Charlotte

WBCC Training & Events

Take your business to the next level by attending one of our training sessions or networking events. Visit the WBCC client portal for a list of upcoming events and to register.

Request WBCC Counseling

Take advantage of our one-on-one business counseling services. Visit the WBCC client portal to register and request a counseling session.

SBA Learning Center

SBA Learning Center

SBA Learning Center has various types of learning videos and information for your business.

WBC Charlotte Staff

Rocio Gonzalez
Executive Director

Sheila Obregon
Program Director

Naomi Aaron
Program Manager

Contact WBC Charlotte

Goodwill Opportunity Campus
5301 Wilkinson Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28208
(704) 509-5884

Office Hours

Monday - Friday:       9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday:   Closed

**If you need a special date and time due to your schedule, please contact us via email at wbc-charlotte@theinstitutenc.org

Follow WBC Charlotte on Social Media

The Women's Business Center of Charlotte is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration and the City of Charlotte


The Women's Business Center of Charlotte is a member of the Association of Women's Business Centers.