Bid Opportunities
Turner Murphy Co./ WTP Emergency Generator (ASADRA WIF-2009) – Washington NC
As a General Contractor, we invite you to submit your proposals for the following project- PROJECT: WTP Emergency Generator (ASADRA WIF-2009) BID DATE: January 26, 2023 at 3 PM…
Smith-Rowe LLC/ Grading, Paving, Drainage, & Structure – Bridge #140 over Little Shocco Creek on SR 1488(Rod Alston Road)/SR 1647 (Major Ron Alston Road)
Smith-Rowe, LLC will be bidding the following project January 25th, 2023, at the North Carolina Department of Transportation Division 5 Letting: Contract ID County Description DE00359 Franklin &…
State Utility Contractors/ Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Dewatering Improvements Project – High Point, NC
State Utility Contractors, Inc. solicits material and subcontract bids for the following work: Select Demolition, Hauling, Clearing & Grubbing, Erosion Control, Asphalt Paving, Fencing, Grassing, Concrete, Masonry, Structural Steel, Waterproofing,…
Gastonia, NC/ Sewer CIPP Lining Projects 2023
Gastonia, NC - Sewer CIPP Lining Projects 2023 Project includes approximately 2500 lf of gravity sewer CIPP linings at various locations in the City ranging is sizes from 8-inch through…
Brownstone Construction/ Charleston, SC – Pepperhill Elementary School Bus Entrance Addition
Charleston, SC - Pepperhill Elementary School Bus Entrance Addition Scope of Work: The work includes, but is not limited to, the addition of a bus entrance at Charleston County School…
McGill Associates/City of Newton Street Improvement
McGill Associates/Town Blowing Rock Main Street
Blowing Rock McGill
North Charleston Sewer District/Felix Davis WTTP
INVITATION TO BID From North Charleston, SC - NCSD Monorail System Upgrade - Felix C. Davis WWTP Main Pump Station North Charleston Sewer District is seeking to perform a Monorail…
Gaston County Public Works/ Administration Building Facade
Gaston County, NC - Administration Building Facade Renovation The project consists of general work to be constructed under Single Prime Contract. The extent of the work is shown on the…
Fayetteville PWC/Opportunities
Doing Business with PWC CURRENT BID OPPORTUNITIES Bids Bid: PWC2223028/ RFQ Engineering Design & Construction Management Services for Development of Utility Scale Solar Projects…
Cahoon & Kasten Architects/ Hyde County Industrial Arts Center
Sealed proposals will be received until January 24, 2023, until 3:00 PM in the office of Cahoon and Kasten Architects, 118 W. Wood Hill Drive, Nags Head, NC and immediately…
Charleston County School District/ Charleston, SC – Stoney Field Press Box Renovation
Charleston, SC - Stoney Field Press Box Renovation Scope of Work includes, but is not limited to, renovation of an existing 500 sf cast in place Pressbox with selective demolition,…