Bid Opportunities
Raleigh, NC/ The Glenbrook/Dacian Stormwater Project
Moffat Pipe, Inc. will be bidding on The Glenbrook/Dacian Stormwater Project for The City of Raleigh. We encourage minority and women business enterprise contractors to participate in the process. Moffat Pipe,…
High Point, NC – City of High Point Streets Resurfacing 2024
Work under this contract consists of furnishing personnel, equipment, and materials for the City of High Point annual street resurfacing project. The location of the streets varies within the City…
Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority/ Sanitary Sewer Force Main Relocation – Phase 1
Pipeline Utilities, Inc. (NC General Contractor License No. 325) is seeking certified DBE, MBE, and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the Sanitary Sewer Force Main Relocation – Phase 1 project…
Burnsville, NC/ Water Treament Plant Improvements
Carolina Specialties Construction, LLC is seeking bids from certified DBE/MBE/WBE/HUB vendors and subcontractors for the above referenced job. If you would like to provide a bid for this project, please…
Raleigh, NC/ Galvanized Service Replacement Project
The Project consists generally of the following major items: Replacement of fifty (50) existing galvanized service lines with approved materials from the meter to a distance of 5-ft inside the…
Wake County/ 1 Section of NC-231, and 44 Sections of Secondary Roads
Wake Co. C2049261 Section of NC-231, and 44 Sections of Secondary RoadsWake Co., NC Bids are due by March 19, 2024 10:00 AM The following work codes are applicable to…
Robersonville, NC/ Water System Improvements
SOLICITING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: Concrete Forming and Concrete Reinforcing, Metal Fabrications, Painting and Coating, Electrical, Water Supply Wells, Water Treatment Equipment, and SCADA. BID DATE/TIME: March 19, 2024 at…
Linwood, NC/ Davidson County Environmental Center
Invitaton to Bid from Holden Building Company, Inc. For: Davidson County Environmental Center Linwood, NC Due: March 19, 2024 by 10 AM Plans:; htp:// , PlanHub, HCAC, NCIME…
City of Raleigh/ GoRaleigh Craig Building Renovation Project
The Project consists generally of the following major items: Upfit and renovation for 2nd floor of Craig Building located at GoRaleigh Station at 221 S. Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27601.…
Pender County/ Resurfacing and Pavement Preservation on 1 Section of NC-53, 10 Sections of Secondary Roads, and 11 Sections of Non-System Roads
Pender County - C204924Resurfacing and Pavement Preservation on 1 Section of NC-53, 10 Sections of Secondary Roads, and 11 Sections of Non-System Roads.- , NC - Bids are due by March…
MWBE Bid Opportunity/ RFQ for Construction Manager at Risk Services for Fire Station No. 1, Fire Administration, and Back-up 911 Facility
MWBE Bid Opportunity/ RFQ for Construction Manager at Risk Services for Fire Station No. 1, Fire Administration, and Back-up 911 Facility The City of Raleigh is soliciting Requests for Qualifications…
Raleigh, NC – Glenbrook / Dacian Stormwater Improvements
Raleigh, NC – Glenbrook / Dacian Stormwater Improvements The Project consists generally of the following major items:Removal and replacement of two existing stormwater culverts under Glenbrook Drive and Dacian Road.…