Moffat Pipe/ Six Forks & Cranbrook Water Main Project – Raleigh, NC
Moffat Pipe, Inc. will be bidding on Six Forks & Cranbrook Water Main Project for The City of Raleigh. We encourage minority and women business enterprise contractors to participate in…
Highfill/ Six Forks Road and Cranbrook Road Water Main Replacement
Sealed Bids will be received until 2:00PM, Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at One Exchange Plaza, 6th Floor Conference Room, Raleigh, NC 27601, at which time and place bids will be…
City of Raleigh, NC/ MWBE Bid Opportunity: Six Forks Road & Cranbrook Road Water Main Replacement Project
MWBE Bid Opportunity: Six Forks Road & Cranbrook Road Water Main Replacement Project The Project consists generally of the following major items: Installation of approximately 11,300 LF of 6-inch DIP…
Willis Engineers/ Re-Advertisement – Lawndale, NC – Cleveland County Water – Raw Water Weir Improvements
Re-Advertisement - Lawndale, NC - Cleveland County Water - Raw Water Weir Improvements The Project consists of construction of two new low-head weirs, each including moveable crest gates and boulder…
ST Wooten/ Wayne County – DD00425 – Milling, Resurfacing and Shoulder Reconstruction on 1 Sections of US-13S and 12 Sections of Secondary Routes in Wayne County
Wayne County - DD00425 Milling, Resurfacing and Shoulder Reconstruction on 1 Sections of US-13S and 12 Sections of Secondary Routes in Wayne County. - , NC - Bids are due…
Smith Sinnett/ Clyde Erwin Elementary School Window Replacement
Please see share file link below for Clyde Erwin Window Replacement Addendum 1. Please see share file link below for Clyde Erwin Addendum 2. Please see…
Smith Sinnett/ Bell Fork Elementary Window Replacement – Onslow County Schools
Please see share file link below for Bell Fork Addendum 2.
Pipeline Utilities/ Stormwater Infrastructure Repairs, SD-2023-04 – City of Durham, NC
Pipeline Utilities, Inc. (NC General Contractor License No. 325) is seeking certified DBE, MBE, and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the Stormwater Infrastructure Repairs, SD-2023-04 project for the City of…
Dellinger/Contract 3.0 Raw Water Weir Improvements Lawndale NC
Contract 3.0 – Raw Water Weir Improvements Location: Lawndale, North Carolina Engineer: Willis Engineers Bid Date: Tues., 7/25/23 @ 2:00 Dellinger, Inc. is soliciting bids from bonafide Minority,…
The BEE Group/ Greenville, SC – GTC Exterior Window and Door Replacement
Greenville, SC - GTC Exterior Window and Door Replacement Base Bid work - complete removal and replacement of all glass fenestrations (windows and storefronts) and all exterior sealant joints for…
State Utility Contractors/ Camden (SC) Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Pump Station Improvements
State Utility Contractors, Inc. solicits material and subcontract bids for the following work: Select Demolition, Bypass Pumping, Select Concrete, SCADA & Controls, Painting, Electrical, and Material Supply for the Camden…
Kimley-Horn/ Concord, NC – FC-11 Project Independence
Concord, NC - FC-11 Project Independence Work consists of: Grading, Paving, Stormwater, Concrete Median, Traffic Signal, Retaining Wall & Thermoplastic Pavement Markings. For information regarding this Invitation to Bid, please…