Hobbs Architects/ Randolph County Historic Courthouse Museum Renovation & Elevator Addition
As this project is a re-bid, we want to ensure that all Planrooms and General Contractors have the most up-to-date drawings and project manual. The drawings for this project are dated 06/01/2023 and the project manual is dated 05/26/2023. They can be downloaded from the project page on planscope. https://www.planscope.com/jobs/1315/details Randolph County Historic Courthouse_ Addendum_2.pdf…
Pipeline Utilities/ East Haggard Avenue Water Line Replacement – Town of Elon, NC
Pipeline Utilities, Inc. (NC General Contractor License No. 325) is seeking certified DBE, MBE, and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the East Haggard Avenue Water Line Replacement project for the Town of Elon which bids June 29, 2023, at 2:00 PM. Plans and specifications for this project are available at the following locations: Pipeline Utilities,…
Hendersonville, NC/ Lower Mud Creek Floodplain Restoration
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The City of Hendersonville is seeking statements of qualifications professional engineering services for the Lower Mud Creek floodplain restoration and flood risk reduction project. Visit the attached for more details. https://www.hendersonvillenc.gov/rfp-q-bid/rfq-230067555001-professional-engineering-services-lower-mud-creek-floodplain-restoration RFQ release date May 30, 2023 Deadline for Questions June 19, 2023 Responses Due Date June 30, 2023 Notice of Award…
Highfill/ REBID – Peters Creek Outfall Phase 2
Therefore, pursuant to N.C.G.S. formal bidding laws, sealed bid proposals endorsed “Peters Creek Outfall Replacement - Phase 2, FB23283” will be received by City/County Purchasing, City Hall Room 324, 101 N. Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC until 2:00 PM, June 30, 2023, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud on the…
Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons/ Greensboro (Guilford County) – PTIA Hertz Demolition and Line of Sight Grading
Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. An Equal Employment Opportunity Contractor, NC General Contractors # 7706 Will Consider All Quotes Regardless of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, or National Origin and is Soliciting Bids for M/WBE Participation. We would appreciate a quotation from your firm for any and all work and/or materials on the following project:…
WK Dickson/ Greensboro, NC – Piedmont Triad International Airport – Hertz Facility Demolition and Line of Sight Grading Project
Greensboro, NC - Piedmont Triad International Airport - Hertz Facility Demolition and Line of Sight Grading Project This project consists of demolition of the existing Hertz rental car facility, demolition of the existing Samaritan’s Purse hangar, sanitary sewer lift station modifications, approximately 32 acres of clearing and grubbing, 300,000 CY of earthwork, erosion control items,…
T.A. Loving/ Buckhead Subdivision Water Main Looping – Fayetteville PWC
T. A. Loving Company (NC General Contractor License No. 325) is seeking certified DBE, MBE, and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the Buckhead Subdivision Water Main Looping project for Fayetteville PWC which bids July 6, 2023, at 2:00 PM. Plans and specifications for this project are available at the following locations: TA Loving Company, 400…
Dewberry/ JCPS Controls Replacements Package 3 Project (West Johnston High School, Selma Elementary School, and Corinth Holders Elementary)
We would like to make you aware of the following project: JCPS Controls Replacements Package 3 Project (West Johnston High School, Selma Elementary School, and Corinth Holders Elementary). Please see the following link to access the Bid Documents. 2023.06.02 - Bid Documents Project Scope of work is listed below: Replacement of complete BAS…
BW Architecture/ Aulander, NC – Roanoke Chowan Community Center – Dental Integrated Care Building
Aulander, NC - Roanoke Chowan Community Center – Dental Integrated Care Building New construction, single story 10,122 SF building to provide Dental Integrated Medical services in the Aulander area. Building is wood frame with wood roof trusses and a membrane roof. Scope of work includes sitework and all trades. For information regarding this project please…
RMF Engineering/ NCSU Main Campus Domestic Water
Project Name: NCSU Main Campus Domestic Water Project Number: 02220359.A0 From: Daniel Craig (RMF Engineering, Inc., PC) To: [email protected] CC: Daniel Craig (RMF Engineering, Inc., PC); [email protected] Subject: Project Bid Advertisement for NCSU Domestic Waterline - RMF Engineering Purpose: For your use Sent via: Info Exchange Expiration Date: 6/9/2023 Remarks: Attn: NCIMED Plan & Resource…
C.T. Wilson/ NCSU Nelson Hall Ground Floor Renovations
Project dates: Date Due - Jul 11, 2023 at 12:00 PM PDT Job Walk - Jun 13, 2023 at 7:00 AM PDT RFIs Due - Jun 29, 2023 at 9:00 AM PDT Date Invited - Jun 6, 2023 at 1:34 PM PDT General info: Project Name - NCSU Nelson Hall Ground Floor Renovations Location - …
Gastonia, NC/ Big Lakewood Pump Station Replacement
Gastonia, NC - Big Lakewood Pump Station Replacement (962107595) GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required and construct the Big Lakewood Pump Station Replacement, as shown on the drawings and specified herein. B. The work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Furnishing…