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N. Ennis Street Water Main Improvements
Our firm is considering submitting a bid for the N. Ennis Street Water Main Improvements Project that bids on Thursday January 23rd, 2025, at 2:00 P.M. We are particularly interested…
Town of Surf City / WWTF Digester/Sludge Holding Tank
Sealed Bids for the construction of the WWTF Digester/Sludge Holding Tank will be received, by the Town of Surf City, at the office of the Surf City Municipal Complex, 214…
Tanzanian Economic Development Summit
Hyatt Regency - Dar Es Salaam , Tanzania, United Republic ofWe are excited to announce an executive-led summit bringing together key government and business leaders from the U.S. and Tanzania. Why Should Your Company Join? The summit will allow interested…