Game Changer 2023 (WBCC)


  12 Month Program Designed To: • Empower Women Business Owners to become economically self-sufficient, increase financial knowledge, and enhance organizational and management skills • Develop strategies to Implement Organizational/Operational…

Smith-Rowe LLC/ Grading, Paving, Drainage, & Structure – Bridge #140 over Little Shocco Creek on SR 1488(Rod Alston Road)/SR 1647 (Major Ron Alston Road)                                                            

Smith-Rowe, LLC will be bidding the following project January 25th, 2023, at the North Carolina Department of Transportation Division 5 Letting: Contract ID      County                            Description DE00359         Franklin &…

Gastonia, NC/ Sewer CIPP Lining Projects 2023

Gastonia, NC - Sewer CIPP Lining Projects 2023 Project includes approximately 2500 lf of gravity sewer CIPP linings at various locations in the City ranging is sizes from 8-inch through…