We will be receiving subcontract quotations from subcontractors and suppliers interested in performing various scopes of work on the above referenced project.  We are soliciting quotations from all interested parties and will give consideration to all qualified and reputable subcontractors and suppliers.  We urge Certified Minority (DBE, WBE, and MBE) participation.  If you qualify as…

Highland Paving/ HARNETT COUNTY – C204785 NC55 – GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, SIGNALS and Culverts

We will be receiving subcontract quotations from subcontractors and suppliers interested in performing various scopes of work on the above referenced project.  We are soliciting quotations from all interested parties and will give consideration to all qualified and reputable subcontractors and suppliers.  We urge Certified Minority (DBE, WBE, and MBE) participation.  If you qualify as…

Thalle Construction/ NCDOT C204785 Harnett County: NC-55 FROM SOUTH OF SR-1532 (OAK GROVE CHURCH RD) TO NC-210

NCDOT C204785 Harnett County: NC-55 FROM SOUTH OF SR-1532 (OAK GROVE CHURCH RD) TO NC-210 Request for Quote For Construction: Subcontractors, Services and materials Project: NCDOT C204785 Harnett County: NC-55 FROM SOUTH OF SR-1532 (OAK GROVE CHURCH RD) TO NC-210 Client: NCDOT Central Letting RPN: 003 Contract: R-5705A 46377.3.1 C20478 Engineer KIMLEY HORN Project In…

Vannoy Construction/ NCDOT – C204841 Wilkes County – Grading, Drainage, Paving and Structure –US-421 From East of NC-16 to US 421 Business

James R. Vannoy & Sons Construction Co., Inc. is currently soliciting quotes from interested DBE subcontractors and suppliers for the following project:   Project:                   C204841 Wilkes County Grading, Drainage, Paving and Structure –US-421 From East of NC-16 to US 421 Business   Bid Date :               September 19, 2023 @ 2:00 PM—Sub Quotes due by…

Highland Paving/ NCDOT – CUMBERLAND COUNTY – DF00449

NCDOT DIVISION 6 LETTING Project that Bids September 20, 2023 CUMBERLAND COUNTY DF00449–HAULING, CONCRETE, TRAFFIC CONTROL, MILLING, PERMANENT SIGNS, UTILITY ADJUSTMENTS, UTILTIES, EROSION CONTROL, SIGNALS AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS. PROJECT # 1 CUMBERLAND COUNTY DF00449- Please have your quotations emailed to our office no later than September 18, 2023 at 12:00 PM.  We will accept modifications…

Brownstone/ REBID – Mt. Pleasant, SC – Whiteside ES Traffic Loop Extension

REBID - Mt. Pleasant, SC - Whiteside ES Traffic Loop Extension The work includes, but is not limited to, construction of an asphalt paved two-lane parent dropoff/ pickup lane extension at Mamie P. Whiteside Elementary School. Work includes concrete curb & gutter, concrete walks, storm drainage collection and management system, site lighting, landscaping, playground modifications,…

ST Wooten/ C204894 Franklin, Wake Co. – Milling, Resurfacing, and Shoulder Reconstruction on 2 Sections of NC-39 and 6 Sections of Secondary Roads

C204894 Franklin, Wake Co. Milling, Resurfacing, and Shoulder Reconstruction on 2 Sections of NC-39 and 6 Sections of Secondary Roads Franklin, Wake Co. Bids are due by September 19, 2023 10:00 AM The following work codes are applicable to this project: 000050 - Hauling (Gravel, Sand, Debris, Etc) 000055 - Hauling (Asphalt) 001204 - Symbols…