City of Raleigh/ Saratoga Drive Culvert Endwall Replacement Project

Moffat Pipe, Inc. will be bidding on The Saratoga Drive Culvert Endwall Replacement Project for The City of Raleigh. We encourage minority and women business enterprise contractors to participate in the process. Moffat Pipe, Inc. will consider the following options/actions if requested in the proposal: assistance in obtaining bonding or insurance; coordinate joint payment agreements; assist…

Women’s Business Center of The Triad/ Do The Work (DTW) Power Luncheon

The Conference Center at Guilford Tech Community College 7908 Leabourne Road, Colfax, NC, United States

The Women’s Business Center of The Triad (formerly Women’s Business Center of Greensboro) is back this year with a one day event, DTW (Do The Work) Power Luncheon, being held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at The Conference Center at Guilford Technical College (GTCC). We invite you to join us for what is sure to be yet another impactful and…

Balfour Beatty/Brownstone/ CMs Northwest School of the Arts Project 2

Balfour Beatty/Brownstone/ CMs Northwest School of the Arts Project 2 2nd & 3rd Tier Subcontractor Outreach Meeting: Friday, March 1, 2024 11:00 am – 12:00 pm M4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2201f3a409-b48f-4f2c-b95b7ea1977a06ed%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2200b87c0d-8cd6-4be2-93f7- a9ad72f055b5%22%7d Project Info: The CMS Northwest School of the Arts Project 2 consists of a new visual arts and classroom building, renovating five existing buildings on campus,…

Union County, NC/ Helmsville Road Force Main Improvements (2024-066)

Union County, NC/ Helmsville Road Force Main Improvements (2024-066) The Project consists of providing, fusing, and testing approximately 2,611 linear feet of 8-inch high density polyethylene (HDPE) sewer force main on the ground surface, connecting to a 2,000 linear foot segment of existing and active 8-inch HDPE force main lying on the ground, connecting to…

CMS Schools/ CMS Northwest School of the Arts Project 2

Project Info: The CMS Northwest School of the Arts Project 2 consists of a new visual arts and classroom building, renovating five existing buildings on campus, and demolishing the two remaining buildings. The new building will consist of approximately 72,300 SF containing an administration suite, media center, six science classrooms, six art classrooms, and 16…

Charleston, SC/ Drayton Hall Elementary School Door and Hardware Replacement

The Scope of Work includes but is not limited to: Replacing doors and hardware as specified in the project documents. Note due to the timing of this contract start time related to the summer break, the contractor will be expected to complete as much of the work as possible prior to start of school in…

Whitakers, NC/ 2022 Water System Improvements – Contract No. 5

T. A. Loving Company (NC General Contractor License No. 325) is seeking certified DBE, MBE, and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the 2022 Water System Improvements – Contract No. 5 project for the Town of Whitakers which bids March 26, 2024, at 2:00 PM. Plans and specifications for this project are available at the following…

Sanford Contractors/ Rockfish Area Sewer, Phase II

Our firm is considering submitting a bid for the Rockfish Area Sewer, Phase II project that bids on March 26th, 2024 at 2:00 P.M. We are particularly interested in receiving minority subcontract and material supply quotes on or before March 11, 2024 in our office on any of the following items of work; or other…