State Utility Contractors/ Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Dewatering Improvements Project – High Point, NC
State Utility Contractors, Inc. solicits material and subcontract bids for the following work: Select Demolition, Hauling, Clearing & Grubbing, Erosion Control, Asphalt Paving, Fencing, Grassing, Concrete, Masonry, Structural Steel, Waterproofing,…
Gastonia, NC/ Sewer CIPP Lining Projects 2023
Gastonia, NC - Sewer CIPP Lining Projects 2023 Project includes approximately 2500 lf of gravity sewer CIPP linings at various locations in the City ranging is sizes from 8-inch through…
Brownstone Construction/ Charleston, SC – Pepperhill Elementary School Bus Entrance Addition
Charleston, SC - Pepperhill Elementary School Bus Entrance Addition Scope of Work: The work includes, but is not limited to, the addition of a bus entrance at Charleston County School…
SBTRC/ Coffee with the Contractors with WBC Charlotte
9319 Robert D Snyder Rd, Room 242 Charlotte, NC 28223McGill Associates/City of Newton Street Improvement
McGill Associates/Town Blowing Rock Main Street
Blowing Rock McGill
WBCNC Networking Event
5800 Faringdon Place (Lower Level) Raleigh NC 27609 5800 Faringdon Place, Raleigh, NC, United StatesMore Information Coming Soon!
North Charleston Sewer District/Felix Davis WTTP
INVITATION TO BID From North Charleston, SC - NCSD Monorail System Upgrade - Felix C. Davis WWTP Main Pump Station North Charleston Sewer District is seeking to perform a Monorail…
Gaston County Public Works/ Administration Building Facade
Gaston County, NC - Administration Building Facade Renovation The project consists of general work to be constructed under Single Prime Contract. The extent of the work is shown on the…
Fayetteville PWC/Opportunities
Doing Business with PWC CURRENT BID OPPORTUNITIES Bids Bid: PWC2223028/ RFQ Engineering Design & Construction Management Services for Development of Utility Scale Solar Projects…
Cahoon & Kasten Architects/ Hyde County Industrial Arts Center
Sealed proposals will be received until January 24, 2023, until 3:00 PM in the office of Cahoon and Kasten Architects, 118 W. Wood Hill Drive, Nags Head, NC and immediately…
Charleston County School District/ Charleston, SC – Stoney Field Press Box Renovation
Charleston, SC - Stoney Field Press Box Renovation Scope of Work includes, but is not limited to, renovation of an existing 500 sf cast in place Pressbox with selective demolition,…