ST Wooten/ 2023 City of Greenville Street Rehab & Preservation Project

2023 City of Greenville Street Rehab & Preservation Project The Street Rehabilitation work will consist of full & edge milling of approximately 62,605 square yards of existing asphalt pavement, placing approximately 9,038 tons of Asphalt Concrete Surface Course, Type S 9.5B, 990 tons of Asphalt Concrete Base repairs/patching, ADA improvements, curb and gutter repairs, and…

Enhance & Protect a Key Business Asset: Register Your Trademarks!

How many forms of intellectual property are important to your business success? Are you producing blogs? Did you spend time and money developing a logo or a slogan? Intellectual property can be a key business asset, yet trademarks are one of the most misunderstood areas of law. This webinar will orient you to the different…


Jimmy R Lynch and Sons/ Greensboro (Guilford County) – Mitchell WTP Conventional Treatment, Residuals, Drain Pump Station, and Daniel Clearwell Improvements

Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. An Equal Employment Opportunity Contractor, NC General Contractors # 7706 Will Consider All Quotes Regardless of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, or National Origin and is Soliciting Bids for M/WBE Participation. We would appreciate a quotation from your firm for any and all work and/or materials on the following project:…

Turner-Murphy Co/ SCADA Telemetry System and RTU Replacement – Union County NC

As a General Contractor, we invite you to submit your proposals for the following project- PROJECT:               SCADA Telemetry System and RTU Replacement   BID DATE:               12/01/2022 at 2 PM      OWNER:                   Union County ENGINEER:             HDR Engineering Inc. of the Carolinas We will be accepting Subcontractor Proposals on the following: Electrical, Fencing, SCADA, Portable…

Better Business Resource Fair!

Nash Community College-Brown Auditorium Bldg 522 N. Old Carriage Road, Rocky Mount, NC, United States

Our Best Resource Fair Ever! Nash and Edgecombe County Businesses Mark Your Calendar. We’re bringing you the business resources you need to start or scale your business. It’s like a job fair, but for businesses. In a few hours, you can meet numerous business service providers, the majority of which provide no cost assistance. These…
