Raleigh, NC/ MWBE Bid Opportunity: RFQ – Designer Services for Fire Station No. 1, Fire Administration, and Back-up 911 Facility
MWBE Bid Opportunity: RFQ - Designer Services for Fire Station No. 1, Fire Administration, and Back-up 911 Facility The City of Raleigh is soliciting Requests for Qualifications from architectural and engineering firms with expertise in design and construction administration services for a new facility, to be located on a two-acre site located at the corner…
JD Beam/ New Construction of the Northern Granville Co. Senior Center
New Construction of the Northern Granville Co. Senior Center JD Beam is seeking certified MWBE subcontractors and suppliers for New Construction of the Northern Granville Co. Senior Center Bids Due: Friday, March 15th, 2024 @ 2: Project Scope: Construction of a new 8,714sf single story Senior Center with site development including parking lot, construction of new building…
City of Raleigh/ Equitable Transit Oriented Development and Impact Investment Training
The City of Raleigh (COR) is solicitating proposals from one or more firm(s) with which to contract for the following services: The City of Raleigh Department of Planning and Development invites firms to submit qualifications for consulting services to support engagement as part of the Western BRT Corridor Station Area Plan. Specific requested services include:…
NOTICE TO ALL EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES (HUB), I.E. MINORITIES, DISABLED PERSONS AND WOMEN OWNED AND OPERATED BUSINESSES, ETC. Ladies & Gentlemen: Please find a drop box link below that contains a prequalification questionnaire form to be completed and sent back to the Hickory Construction Company contacts shown below. In addition, please read Bid…
City of Fayetteville/ Request for Proposals – CASH TO CREDIT AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE PROVIDER
City of Fayetteville/ Request for Proposals - CASH TO CREDIT AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE PROVIDER The City of Fayetteville is soliciting proposals from qualified and experienced companies interested in operating, maintaining and managing the Cash-to-Credit Automatic Teller Machine Concession for the Airport. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-129 sealed proposals will be received by the City of Fayetteville,…
Greensboro, NC/ Preconstruction Services for Mitchell WTP Residuals and Emerging Contaminants CMAR
M/WBE Solicitation Assistance Request - Preconstruction Services for Mitchell WTP Residuals and Emerging Contaminants CMAR for the City of Greensboro, NC Wharton-Smith, Inc. is a General Contractor bidding on the above referenced construction project currently in the Preconstruction Phase in the City of Greensboro, NC. Wharton-Smith would appreciate any assistance you could give us in locating…
BLADEN, CUMBERLAND, HARNETT & ROBESON COUNTIES/ DF00470 Milled Rumble Strips & Pavement Markings – Various Route
Please see the below Solicitation letter concerning the upcoming NCDOT Division 6 Letting on February 7, 2024. We are bidding the DF00470 BLADEN, CUMBERLAND, HARNETT 7 ROBESON Counties project and would very much appreciate your quotation. Please have your quotations emailed to our office no later than MARCH 18, 2024 at 12:00 PM. We will accept…
Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority/ RDU Sanitary Sewer Force Main Relocation Phase 1
Moffat Pipe, Inc. will be bidding on The RDU Sanitary Sewer Force Main Relocation Phase 1 for The Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority. We encourage minority and women business enterprise contractors to participate in the process. Moffat Pipe, Inc. will consider the following options/actions if requested in the proposal: Assistance in obtaining bonding or insurance Coordinate joint payment…
NC Dept. of Adult Correction/ Craven Correctional Institution Air Conditioning Installation
Installation of air conditioning in two (2) buildings each comprised of two (2) bed dormitories. Building C is comprised of dormitories Pamlico and Ocracoke while Building D is comprised of dormitories Hatteras and Core. In each dormitory, the work will include the installation of a constant volume air handling units with DX cooling coils and…
Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority/ Sanitary Sewer Force Main Relocation Phase 1
Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority/ Sanitary Sewer Force Main Relocation Phase 1 The RDU Airport Authority (RDUAA) along with its CMAR, Right Build/Varnedoe JV, is hosting a Pre-Bid Conference and DBE Workshop for those interested in finding out more about the RDU Runway 5L-23R Replacement SSFM Relocation project. The Pre-Bid Conference and DBE Workshop will be held on February 20, 2024…
Harmony, NC/ ISS Toilet Room & Gym Renovation
Harmony, NC/ ISS Toilet Room & Gym Renovation The project scope of work includes gym floor replacement, toilet room renovations and partial roofing replacement to the 8,600 square foot Harmony Elementary School Gym Building. Bid Date: 03/19/2024 02:00 PM For information regarding this project please contact:David MoraisAdams + Associates Architecture126 N. Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115Phone:…
Raleigh, NC/ The Glenbrook/Dacian Stormwater Project
Moffat Pipe, Inc. will be bidding on The Glenbrook/Dacian Stormwater Project for The City of Raleigh. We encourage minority and women business enterprise contractors to participate in the process. Moffat Pipe, Inc. will consider the following options/actions if requested in the proposal: assistance in obtaining bonding or insurance; coordinate joint payment agreements; assist in obtaining same…