Minority Executive Education Institute (MEEI) 2023 (CPS)

JB Duke Hotel & Conference Center 230 Science Drive, Durham, NC, United States

  The National Institute of Minority Economic Development (the Institute) has a rich history of economic development through training and education of the small business community. Our mission is to…

Kearey Builders/B+NCDOT New Bulk Salt Storage

Kearey Builders, Inc. is accepting bids from qualified minority, women and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises for all trades and supplies related to:  NCDOT New Bulk Salt Storage Building.…

Dellinger/Chapel Hill

Mason Farm Wastewater Treatment Plant - Secondary Clarifier #4 Improvements Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina Engineer: Hazen & Sawyer Bid Date: Thursday, 3/9/23 @ 2:00 Dellinger, Inc. is soliciting bids…

Dewberry/ WCPSS Heritage High School HVAC Upgrades

 2023.02.13_WCPSS Heritage HS CP Replacement - Bid Documents 2023.02.24 Heritage High School Central Plant Replacements - Addendum No 1 2023.03.07 Heritage High School Central Plant Replacement - Addendum No 2…